Strong Mamas

17. Creating a Healthy Home with Jo Lia, Building Biologist

Jo recently did an health audit on my home and I was blown away by the report and just the wealth of knowledge she has, so had to get her on the podcast.

Jo Lia is a “healthy home specialist” and owner of “Notoxrox” based in Bondi, Syd. 

She is a qualified Building Biologist, a certified Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) consultant and an IICRC Water Damage Restoration Technician.

She specialises in creating healthy indoor environments where children can thrive (love this).

In this episode we chat all about “Creating a Healthy Home during Pregnancy and Baby’s First Years” because I feel this is so overlooked and yet so important.

We discuss:

  • Why everyone should prioritise their indoor environment but especially during their pregnancy
  • What to consider before painting the nursery and buying baby items/furniture and even before washing your baby
  • Why it’s important to drink filtered water during pregnancy (and beyond)
  • How to choose the best personal care products and why you should care about what you’re putting on your skin and body (and your babies too!)
  • Why you should avoid over using anti-bacterials and hand sanitisers
  • The importance of airing out your home
  • How to identify and avoid mould in your home
  • The harmful effects of Wifi, cordless and EMF’s and Wireless baby monitors and what to do about them
  • How to carefully design your babies room environment for the maximum health
     plus much more!

So much insight & guidance in taking the right steps to the healthiest home possible which really should be a priority for all mums in my opinion.

Visit Jo’s website here: 

Instagram: @notoxrox 

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