Strong Mamas

18. Discipline without Damage - with Dr Vanessa Lapointe

Rachel Giampietro

Dr. Vanessa is a registered psychologist, speaker, author, parenting educator, and a mom to two growing boys.
She's been preaching her work and messages for over 20 years now and "Discippline without Damage" is still the no.1 requested topic and in this podcast, you'll see why!

We chat about certain topics & tips in the book such as:

  • What happened when her 3 half yr old son punched her in the nose at a a play centre in front of a line up of other mums and how she handled it
  • How to escape the discipline vortex. 
  • How important  connection between big people and children is and what that looks like
  • Why and how stop using the disconnect as a disciplinary technique
  • How toddlers can only hold 1 significant idea in their mind at a  time and what this means
  • Discipline is not something you do, as it something you be (See it, feel it, be it ) 
  • Intuitive boundaries …How to set one and how to know when to let a boundary go ? 
  • Dropping a flag and why this might just be the best tool you can use  
  • How to actually creating TRULY independent children 
  • What she thinks about the common phrase “sharing is caring”
  • How to deal with mum guilt and trying to be the perfect parent

Go to or follow her @dr.vanessalapointe on instagram to connect with her and her many offerings!