Strong Mamas

21. Life Update #4 & Half-Marathon Lessons

I'm back!!!! And so excited to share a little life update for you as I've been moving through alot lately and always so excited to share my lessons as I know it will resonate in some way!

In this episode I chat about:

  • Why I am back into 1:1 online coaching in health & fitness space 
  • Being SO sick and having another spiritual awakening / rock bottom during the process
  • denying my desire to lose weight again
  • Bella and daycare, Lucas & school - how I feel about them RIGHT NOW
  • The work/life BLEND (not juggle) 
  • Shifting through big money stories lately
  • My journey and inspiration to start Running 
  • The marathon experience and my biggest lesson was (spoiler alert - this was NOT what I thought my lesson would be one bit at all😳) 
  • My current goals in all areas of life 
  • Current ways to work with me and what I have planned for next 6-12 months

- Follow my on instagram @rachel_giampietro ***this is an updated username since last episode***

- To explore working with me go to