Strong Mamas

24. An Honest IVF Pregnancy Journey & Initiation Into Motherhood - with my sister Victoria Bartley (Sister Series #1)

Ok so my sister and I talk ALOT of juicy content each day/week of our normal lives and we've been meaning to actually sit down for a podcast to start sharing more of it with you guys - so here is the first episode of what we are going to call the "SISTER SERIES" episode series!!

In this podcast we dive deep into my sister's journey into becoming a mother in the last few years cause holy shit it's been a wild ride and I know so many people can learn from her story/insight/resilience.

We chat about:

  • Her struggle to fall pregnant 'naturally' and the process of having to turn to and use IVF 
  • Sharing more awareness around the IVF process and all the feelings / setbacks/ emotions 
  • How to actually support women during their infertility struggles 
  • Her pregnancy : 
    • How she felt after trying for so long, 
    • Navigating a potential “birth defect” diagnosis 
    • Trying to find a care provider issue during the pandemic and having a December due date
    • Navigated being induced because of growth concerns 
    • Her fully empowered and “on herr terms” hospital birth during Covid 2.0
  • The first few months (the struggles/ comparisons/ all the things about his sleep / MATRESCENCE etc) 
  • Leaning into the initiation of motherhood and what to fully SURRENDER actually means

****TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ We do discuss / mention pregnancy loss, stillborn and the raw deep traumatic depths of infertility so please know this before choosing to listen.

Also - for those women wanting to reach out to Victoria please do so here