Strong Mamas

30. Pregnancy food, exercise & body image - positive experiences - with Victoria Bartley (my sister) Sister Series #2

Rachel Giampietro

Another episode with my beautiful sister where we share our experience/relationship to food, exercise & body image during our pregnancies and now as mothers. The intention of this episode is to shed light on healthy & positive pregnancy experiences we believe all women can have in their own way when they are truly informed on what's possible, what's beneficial, and what is most likely to contribute to a positive experience from the inside out.
Some of what we share is:

  • Our relationships with our body & food during pregnancy
  • What we struggled with, what we found easier than we thought
  • What we believe actually contributes to a healthy & "positive" pregnancy & post partum experience
  • How easy it can be to have a fit & healthy pregnancy
  • How SAFE strength training during pregnancy is - but more importantly how BENEFICIAL it is too.
  • How to navigate body image and trust your bodies journey
  • How to educate yourself on the important things to know about your growing and changing body
  • How to approach food and understand calorie & macro requirements during pregnancy 
  • How we recovered post-partum and what we learnt about our bodies during the whole process 
  • Common pregnancy exercise misconceptions/myths 
  • How to minimize abdominal separation  & pelvic floor weakness 
  • How to train core during pregnancy 
  • Pregnancy safe strength training recommendations 
  • How to implement a healthy pregnancy diet 
  • The importance of seeing a women’s health Physio 
  • Plus so much more!

**What we share is based on our personal experiences and a combination of my professional experience has a fully certified pre & post natal coach.
**None of what is shared here intends to diagnose or treat any pregnancy/post natal health issues and does not replace medical advice.

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