Strong Mamas

14. Life Update #3

Rachel Giampietro

Ok so this episode should actually be called "THE GOSS" episode 😂  
I share ALOT this episode as I integrate some HUGE changes in my life such:

  • Selling our gym 
  • Moving homes
  • Our homeschool decision
  • Human design reading with Julie-Anne
  • Rewriting freedom
  • What is "Path of least resistance" and how you can apply this powerful metaphor to any area in your life
  • Rebranding strong mamas website & ebooks
  • Launching Strong Fams online version, 
  • How I am making money work from me 
  • Freeing myself from anchors holding me back from my free-est life!

Enjoy and don't forget to leave a review if you feel called to 🙏